10 Resume Writing Tips To Help You Land a Position

Employers use resumes throughout the hiring process to learn more about candidates and determine whether they might be a good fit. An effective resume is easy to read, summarizes your accomplishments and skills and highlights relevant experience. Learning how to…

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laptop and a computer

Remote workers actually aren’t more productive. Will bosses finally call them back in this year?

These days, it looks like the bloom is coming off the rose for remote work: Many employers are talking tougher. New research shows employees are actually less productive when they work from home full-time. And, with the tight job market starting to…

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Is Social Media The Next Big Recruiting Tool?

Social media is changing the way we do things these days! As staffing and recruiting professionals, we have to be sure to stay on top of the game so we find the best candidates first. That means researching new cold-calling…

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The Counter Offer: 5 Key Points to Remember

Panic Offer When employers realize that their back is to the wall and they may lose a valuable asset to the company they tend to make their last-ditch panic offer. Be wary of this! Ask yourself: why is my value…

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using computer

Some of The Biggest Misconceptions About Resumes

  Use the Same Resume for Everything: One of the most common misconceptions when it comes to writing your resume is that once it’s finished you can wash your hands of it. Your resume is like you, always changing! Especially…

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woman being interviewed

Zoom Tips For a Great First Impression

Turn your camera and microphone on!  The point of a zoom call is to “meet” you, not just hear you. Consider your background – what does your audience see?  Make sure your background is pleasing to the eye–free of clutter. …

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person handing her resume

Employers, What is Your Time Worth?

Statistics show that your time (your personal net worth in production) is worth five (5) times your annual compensation to your company. Therefore: ANNUAL INCOME $  70,000 $  80,000 $  90,000 $100,000 Your Personal Net Worth $350,000 or $168.00 per…

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